The Nidom Resort has implemented rigorous COVID-19 safety measures.
We are working actively to help guests avoid the “Three Cs” – closed spaces, crowds, and close-contact.
We ask for cooperation from all of our guests, and we apologize for any inconvenience.
New Hokkaido Style – Safety Declaration
- We will ensure that all staff wear masks and frequently wash their hands.
- We will thoroughly monitor the health condition of our staff.
- We will ensure regular ventilation and air changes.
- We will regularly sanitize and wash our equipment and other high-touch areas.
- We will limit the occasions for person-to-person contact.
- Social distancing – keeping a minimum distance of about 2 meters
- Using various barriers
- Limiting capacity and keeping seats open
- Strictly enforcing temperature checks at check in
- We will require guests to practice proper cough etiquette and handwashing.
- We will proactively share information with guests about our efforts, posting notices both inside our facilities and online.
- Making our infection prevention measures more transparent
Coronavirus Prevention Measures
Our staff wear masks and gloves when moving guest vehicles to the parking area.
Check In
Guests are asked to complete a health condition reporting checklist and have their temperatures taken at check in.
Guests are also asked to carefully disinfect their hands with alcohol when arriving and when using shuttles and other vehicles.
Guest Rooms
After their regular cleaning, all surfaces in guest rooms are carefully disinfected with alcohol.
Alcohol sanitizer and mouthwash are provided for all guests.
Guests are asked to use alcohol sanitizer when entering.
We have positioned all tables a minimum of 2 meters apart.

Sanitation Measures
All dishes (plates, glasses, etc.) are washed and sterilized at high temperature (at least 80℃ / 176 ℉).
Restrooms in shared spaces are carefully cleaned and disinfected.
Alcohol sanitizer is available in all areas.
Masks are worn by staff members who interact with guests inside the hotel.
Staff Health Management
We check and record the body temperature and general health condition of each staff member reporting for work (careful management of health and sanitation).
Staff members who do not feel well are required to remain at home until they recover.